The Legacy of Rachel Carson
Caskie Stinnett recalls the mild-mannered woman whose seminal book, Silent Spring, published thirty years ago this year, touched off a revolution that continues to this day.
Tracking Down Maine’s Heirloom Quilts
A small army of volunteers has spent the last six years locating antique quilts across Maine and finding out who made them. By Susan P. Speers.
Vest-Pocket Victorian
A tiny house by the side of the road has been turning heads in Round Pond for more than a century. By Beth Crichlow.
The Sporting Life
Rare photographs chronicle the North Woods summers of one Philadelphia family in the Gilded Age.
A Parade of Sail
The romance of the Maine windjammer fleet is vividly captured in word and photograph in a handsome new book.
Churn, Churn, Churn
For the past sixty years on a New Vineyard farm, Sylvia Holbrook’s herd of shorthorn cattle has been her bread and butter — especially her butter. By W.N. Munroe.
Early and late, quietude reigns as the day wears on at Frenchboro Harbor on Long Island, seven miles off Mount Desert.
War of the Roses
Trial and error enabled an avid gardener to win her battle to keep island deer from devouring her flower bed — at least for now. By Jan Moss.
What Made Edgar Run?
Edgar Welch made it into local history books not only by running up and down mountains, but also, quite literally, by moving them. By Alma Hansen Langlois.
Room With a View
The Maine island which is home to me most of the year is heavily wooded and I believe I know the peculiarities of every tree there. By Caskie Stinnett.
The Talk of Lewiston
Once and Future Champ
The Maine Viewpoint
Who Uses Route 1?
Maine Classics
Robert P. Tristram Coffin
Along the Waterfront
Enduring Friendship
Down East Bookshelf
Country Cop by Terence C. Parker
Outdoor Maine
Of Cutt-Bows and Splake
North by East
Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.
I Remember
Making Hay in Penobscot
Cover: Thirty years ago when Rachel Carson published her revolutionary book, Silent Spring, snowy egrets were unknown in Maine. Today, attracted by protected wetlands along the coast, some 100 nesting pairs now return each year. Photograph by Randy Ury.