From our January 2025 issue
This little hill, despite its humble stature, offers up big views of surrounding peaks and coastline on account of the fact that it’s covered with scrubby wild-blueberry bushes. It’s also home to a sod-roofed stone hut constructed in 1914 as a summertime picnic spot for the family of a Philadelphia industrialist. The family once owned the hilltop and nearly 300 acres of surrounding land, but the parcel is now managed by the Coastal Mountains Land Trust, which got a conservation easement in 1986 and went on to acquire the property in 2003. Now, the preserve hosts public blueberry-picking days every summer. It’s also the site of frequent concerts and occasional other events, like a performance of Shakespeare or a kite-flying day, and visitors can have their pick of those too — or they can simply take a scenic stroll (or snowshoe) along the network of gentle trails.