Senators Susan Collins and Angus King introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate that would add the York River to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, administered by the National Park Service. The designation opens up funding to support the river’s health.
Island Falls
A trail camera caught a rare shot of three bull moose sparring, heads down and all six antlers engaged. Young male moose sparring (a sort of play-fighting) in groups of three or four isn’t unheard of, but it’s not often witnessed.
Mainers Down East felt a few tremors when a small earthquake, with its epicenter near Trimble Mountain, shook eastern Washington County. At magnitude 3.0, it was the state’s most tremulous seismic action in nearly three years, according to the Maine Geological Survey.
The Maine Forest Service reported finding evidence of the invasive emerald ash borer in seven towns — in Aroostook, Cumberland, and York counties — where it wasn’t previously known. Larvae feed on ash trees’ bark and can strip a tree bare in a matter of years.
The midcoast-headquartered import chain Mexicali Blues donated some 5,000 child-size face masks to seven school districts across Maine. When the company told its supplier in Thailand that the order would benefit schoolkids, the Thai manufacturer supplied several hundred extra.
Maine’s House of Representatives elected the country’s youngest House Speaker in 28-year-old Democrat Ryan Fecteau, who represents much of Biddeford. Fecteau is also Maine’s first openly gay representative to serve as House Speaker.