Down East November 1987

November 1987

The table of contents from the November 1987 issue of Down East.


Return of the Natives

Despite hunting pressures and loss of habitat, Maine’s major game animals are on the rebound. By Jeff Clark.

Down But Not Out in Mount Vernon, Maine

The Maine years of Erskine Caldwell.

Mistake or Masterpiece?

Portland’s ‘Dead Pearl Diver’ is Benjamin Paul Akers’ claim to fame. By William David Barry.

The Bridge on the River Sheepscot

Two centuries ago it carried shays and sleighs. By F. Wenderoth Saunders.

More Than Meets the Eye

The trompe l’oeil artistry in the Readfield Meeting House has beguiled townspeople for 120 years. By Miriam Cavanaugh.

First Frost

An early freeze creates its own sere beauty. Photographs by Robin Lovell.

The Great Wall of Bridgton

It stands as a mile-long monument to a man named Stone. By Sheila Polson.

What a Place to Get Lost In!

Levinsky’s, at the foot of Portland’s Munjoy Hill, is a Maine teenager’s heaven. By Jason Stone.

Making It in Maine

Birdseed, pesto, and hand-carved signs — three more success stories from the Pine Tree State.


Room With A View

I have wandered Maine shorelines more extensively than the average man, and I have learned something about plastic containers. By Caskie Stinnett.

The Talk of Jonesboro

The Hum on the Hill

The Maine Viewpoint

Megabucks Madness

Outdoor Maine

Allagash Deer

Along the Waterfront

Thomaston Cat Built for Speed

Down East Bookshelf

The Boat Off the Coast by Stephen Dobyns

Top of the Month

Roll Over, Beethoven

North by East

Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.

I Remember

Sunday Hunting Up Princeton Way

Cover: His rack festooned with Labrador tea from the shore of a pond in Baxter State Park, a young bull moose plays court to a cow during the rutting season. Photograph by William C . Byrne, Jr.