Winter Sky
The most spectacular show in Maine this month is right in your backyard. Where and when to stargaze in Maine. Frequently asked questions about Maine’s winter sky. Image subjects: unusual stellar display – possibly the northern lights cape and barn with the northern lights overhead tree and star filled
- Photography by: Chris Pinchbeck
‘Go Anywhere Do Anything’
That’s the motto of the Coast Guard icebreaker ‘Thunder Bay’, and all her young crewmen seem to take it seriously. Image subjects: Coast Guard icebreaker opening a channel in the Kennebec Coast Guard icebreaker breaking up ice young seaman at wheel of ‘Thunder Bay’ swing bridge open for ‘Thunder Bay’
- By: Ken Textor
- Photography by: Michele Stapleton
Maritime Flea Market
Bargain marine items will be for sale at the flea market at the Maine Boatbuilders’ Show in Portland. Location: Portland
- By: Ken Textor
Dockside Dining in Bath
MaryEllenz is one of the few dockside restaurants that doesn’t focus on sea food. Location: Bath
- By: Ken Textor
End of a Myth
Maine’s college attendance isn’t lowest after all.
Maine Department of Euphemism
And the new logo could incorporate a smiley face.
Position Wanted
Innovative governor seeks challenging new job.
No More Classes
No more pencils, no more books – in Wellington. Location: Wellington
Bit by Bit
Thar’s gold in them PC’s.
Web-Winged Friend
Evidently it isn’t just people who fall in love with Maine.
Registered Maine Guide Tricks
Mouse boots will keep your feet warm down to 60 degrees below zero.
Zoning Out in Maine
Color coded map of Maine’s plant hardiness zones.
Sarcasm Tax
Legislators pay the price for words of wit.
Who’s Watching?
Public surveillance in Maine is changing, but ironically it’s always been fairly strong here.
- By: Jeff Clark
No Place Like Home
Background on one of the decaying farmhouses photographed in the article “Abandoned to the Seasons” in the October 2001 issue. Location: Washington
- By: Kay Havener
Finding Relief
Defending the use of the woods when an indoor bathroom is not available.
- By: Bob Sloma Jr
Miraculous Move
Address correction for the Thorton Oaks Retirement Community. Location: Brunswick
- By: Marlise Swartz
My Favorite Seed Catalogs
Review of various plant and seed catalogs from around Maine and the USA.
- By: Richard Grant
Viva Québec
Everyone forgets just how close Québec City is to Maine. Location: Québec City
- By: Andrew Vietze
Policing ATVs
Journal Tribune: ATV drivers need to rain in their inconsiderate brethren before public opinion close more land to them.
Camden Café
Camden didn’t lose the old Boynton McKay pharmacy, it gained a café. Location: Camden
- By: Andrew Vietze
Protecting Portland Harbor
Casco Bay Weekly: Coast Guard operates under the Department of Transportation until war is declared. Location: South Portland
Teen Tobacco Habits
Kennebec Journal: Maine students smoke less today for a variety of reasons.
CMP’s Curious Energy Plan
Sun Journal: Would you put MBNA in charge of reducing credit card debt? Then why did Augusta ask CMP to run the state’s electrical conservation programs?
Architecture 101
Bates College is hosting an exhibit devoted to building design. Location: Lewiston
- By: Andrew Vietze
Ted Carter’s Top 10 Plants for Maine
List of plants for Maine gardens and landscapes, where hardiness rules.
Lessons in Landscaping
After thirty years of creating effective gardens and yards for southern Maine homeowners, landscape designer Ted Carter could fill a book with all his ideas. Image subjects: flower garden pergola, flowers, garden water fall daisies, view of ocean and patio area garden seating area harbor view from flower
- By: Rebecca Martin Evarts
- Photography by: Kevin Shields
Weather Breeder
Sometimes, we learn the hard way, it pays to heed the classic weather signs. Location: Denmark
- By: Ken Textor
Grissini, Kennebunk
For a taste of memorable Tuscan cuisine, head for the heart of the Kennebunks. Image subjects: Grissini restaurant Location: Kennebunk
- By: Agnes Bushell
- Photography by: Randy Ury
Grindstone Neck Cottage
A spacious new residence reinterprets the traditional summerhouse for which this Down East enclave is known. Image subjects: New summer home -living room New summer home – exterior view New summer home – kitchen area New summer home – hall with stairs New summer home – living room and granite fireplace
- By: John Hadley
- Photography by: Brian Vanden Brink
Sebago Lake Lodge
A lakeside retreat offers all the comforts of home while vividly evoking the look and feel of a rustic upcountry cottage. Image subjects: new lakeside cottage – view of exterior new lakeside cottage – view of living room area with fireplace new lakeside cottage – kitchen new lakeside cottage – upstairs
- By: Bruce D. Snider
- Photography by: Brian Vanden Brink
Head Tide Federal
Tucked away in a village that time has forgotten, the eighteenth-century classic is filled with emphatically twentieth-century furnishings. Image subjects: Federal house – living room with modern furniture Federal house – living room and dining area Federal house – exterior view Federal house – dining
- By: Andrew Vietze
- Photography by: Brian Vanden Brink
Deer Isle Tree House
A remarkable new oceanfront retreat refuses to disrupt either the surrounding woods of the nearby coastline for the sake of mere show. Image subjects: new contemporary house – living room new contemporary house – exterior view new contemporary house – exterior view in fog new contemporary house – office
- By: Paul Doiron
- Photography by: Brian Vanden Brink
What’s The Holdup
Early photo of stagecoach and passengers at the Lovell Post Office. Location: Lovell
- By: Ellen MacDonald Ward