Down East March 1985

March 1985

The table of contents from the March 1985 issue of Down East.


Reviving Maine’s Arctic Connection

Two Bowdoins — the college and the schooner — rekindle an old fascination with the Far North. By Elizabeth Cary Pierson.

A Shipshape House for Mount Desert Island

Perched on a cliff overlooking Frenchman’s Bay, this unique summer house built by a shipwright affords smooth sailing. By Gunnar Hansen.

Chasing Down the Walking Fern

The Sherlock Holmes of Down East flora, Les Eastman is a brilliant maverick in the field of rare flowers. By Margaret L. Holland.

Making It In Maine

Three more success stories from the Pine Tree State.

The Oilman Cometh

The dedicated crew of the minitanker McLoon keeps the home fires burning on Maine’s offshore islands down east. By Cynthia Bourgeault.

A Well-Scoured Coast

From granite ledges to pebble beaches, a set-in-stone beauty distinguishes the coast of Maine. Photographs by Alan Nyiri.


Room With A View

A man who owns and lives on an island comes to regard himself as the ultimate protector of the environment there, and he has no doubt that he could write a book about the peculiarities of that piece of land floating in the sea. By Caskie Stinnett.

Down East Bookshelf

A Host of Handbook on all Matters Maine

North by East

Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.

Along the Waterfront

Maine Boatbuilders Are on the Move

Outdoor Maine

Ice Fishermen Flock to Frozen Waters

I Remember

Lyle and His Iceplane

Cover: “Whispering Cottages” (22″ x 80″), acrylic on canvas, by John Bisignano, 55, a resident of New Jersey who summers in the Penobscot Bay area. His work may be seen in Maine at the Pine Tree Shop and Bayview Gallery in Camden.