Bringin’ Her Back Home
An historic down easter finally makes it back to Maine. By Nicholas Dean.
Summing Up
Looking back on fifty years of living the good life. By Helen and Scott Nearing.
The Case of Island X
Rx for a wilderness isle: benign neglect. By Hugh Williams.
Jawsburgers, Anyone?
There may be a shark in your dining future. By Robert Deis.
The Tools that Built Maine
Today’s craftsmen turn back the clock. By Jay Sperling.
Making Do on the Allagash
Rule number one: think ahead. By Dorothy Boone Kidney.
Room With A View
If I don’t let the bayberry bushes grow too tall, it gives me an unobstructed glimpse of a rock ledge which can be reached at low tide by my dog who takes considerable pleasure in going there despite the fact it is the one spot on the island where she is forbidden to venture. By Caskie Stinnett.
Traveling Down East
Moosehead Lake
North by East
Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.
Outdoor Maine
Fly Hatches Give Salmon Fishermen Outstanding Sport
Down East Bookshelf
Dowsing for Everyone by Harvey Howells
I Remember
A Fiery Fourth of July
Cover: “Sand Flats,” (24″ x 38″), watercolor by Patricia Mendes Spofford, AWS. Over the years, Mrs. Spofford has had several one-man shows. Many of her works are displayed at her husband’s Waldoboro real estate office.