A Passion for Portland
A historic brick townhouse is home to Peter and Pamela Plumb, who came from New York to launch careers — and stayed on to assume leading roles in the city’s artistic and civic life. By Beth Crichlow.
Islands of Color
Faced with a forest of tree stumps she couldn’t remove, Carolyn Jenson hit upon the idea of planting right over them. The result is a breathtaking garden. By Jane Lamb.
Where Less Is More
Austere design and Maine-made furniture grace the unorthodox house that serves as workplace and home for antique dealer Ross Levett and his family. By Beth Crichlow.
Only A Memory
Fewer and fewer people every year can recall majestic Sparhawk Hall, demolished twenty-six years ago in Kittery Point. By Ellen MacDonald Ward.
Nothing But the Best
Top-of-the-line craftspeople across Maine specialize in providing custom touches to fine homes. A sampling of seven suggests the range of talent. By Sarah Scott.
A Place in the Sun
Color and light turn a roomy old Shingle-style cottage into an especially inviting summer home. By Ellen MacDonald Ward.
Maine’s Newest Resorts
They look like grand hotels and offer most of the services you might expect to find at one, but they’re actually retirement-living centers designed to make life easier and more enjoyable for retirees. By Jeff Clark.
Room With A View
I’m certainly neither a revolutionary nor a troublemaker, but of the fourteen Maine islands that are inhabited year round I would say all of them are sitting in the catbird seat so far as getting what they want now that Long Island is pointing the way. By Caskie Stinnett.
The Talk of Norway
One Smart Cop
The Maine Viewpoint
Downsizing Augusta
Down East Bookshelf
Speaking Fire at Stones by William Carpenter and Robert Shetterly
Along the Waterfront
February Offshore
North by East
Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.
I Remember
Guilford’s Champions
Cover: Antique dealer Ross Levett and his family enjoy the snows of winter outside their unusual Martinsville home. Photograph by Brian Vanden Brink.