Making Lobsters Dance
Brenda Laukka’s designs have earned her a loyal following and a sweater shop with a twenty-five year history of success. Image subjects: Unique One knit shop. Laukka modeling a sweater Location: Camden
- By: Virginia Wright
- Photography by: Benjamin Magro
Spreading the Light
A former bastion of Portland’s conservative elite, the First Parish Church of Portland reaches out to a broader congregation-while fondly upholding a 75 year old Christmas tradition. Image subjects: First Parish Church in Portland. Interior view of chandelier First Parish Church Nativity scene at First
- By: Edgar Allen Beem
- Photography by: Amazeen
The Soldier and the Dancer
A Russian ballet star has put Pittsfield on the map with the help of an international terrorism expert. Image subjects: ballet students practicing Location: Pittsfield Maine
- By: Jeff Clark
- Photography by: Bossov Ballet Theatre
Deck Your Yard With Boughs of Holly
Holly-an evergreen that’s perfectly hardy and happy in Maine. History of holly and specifically the Merserve hybrids. Image subjects: holly
- By: Richard Grant
- Photography by: Jennifer Smith-Mayo
Taking Her Up The Bay
Regardless of the season, unflappable Maine pilots guide oil tankers, cargo vessels, and cruise ships from around the world through the tricky waters of Penobscot Bay. Image subjects: tanker entering Bucksport tug boat alongside a tanker pilot assisting ship’s officer plot course tanker passing paper
- By: Andrew Vietze
- Photography by: Thomas Mark Szelog
Two Thumbs Up
At last, a major motion picture made in Maine that avoids all the Down East clichés, doesn’t make us look like hicks, and has a worthwhile story to tell. Image subjects: Marisa Tomei and Nick Stahl Nick Stahl and Sissy Spacek Tom Wilkinson and Sisy Spacek Director Todd Field Location: Camden
- By: Paul Doiron
- Photography by: John Clifford
Nuthatches and Nutcases
One of the looniest things many Mainers do each winter is stand outside in the cold and count the birds. This is why they do it. Image subjects: Maine bird watchers female cardinal thick billed murres long-tailed ducks male downy woodpecker Location: Ogunquit, Belfast Harbor, Owls Head, Maine
- By: Kristen Lindquist
- Photography by: Thomas Mark Szelog
Christmas By The Sea
Starfish and seashells evoke the spirit of the season-and the place-in a contemporary Maine cottage. Image subjects: Christmas decorating a modern Maine cottage with things from sea. Making Christmas cookies. Kitchen Christmas stockings hang by fireplace. Modern cottage living room scene close-up images
- By: Winnie White
- Photography by: Brian Vanden Brink
Bath’s Old-Fashioned Christmas
Each December this shipbuilding city on the Kennebec turns into the kind of place where you almost expect to find sugarplums Image subjects: Shops and Christmas decorations in Bath, Maine Snow Man and House with snow on ground Church, grand Grand old mansion with snow shipyard with snow Location: Bath,
- By: Meadow Rue Merrill
- Photography by: Michele Stapleton
An Island Christmas
The book, Memories of a Maine Island: Turn-of-the-Century Tales & Photographs by Marie Locke and Nancy Montgomery compiles the stories of Irene Morse Bartlett who grew up on Little Cranberry Island at the turn of the Century. Image subjects: Christmas tree circa 1900 Location: Little Cranberry Island
- By: Ellen MacDonald Ward
- Photography by: Marie Locke
Shaft Spur Controversy
Shaft spurs (cutters) are becoming more popular with boating enthusiasts however, they are frowned upon by lobstermen.
- By: Ken Textor
Your Celebrity Boat?
Andrew Sims will takes photos of you and your boat underway hoping to sell prints to you later. Location: Casco Bay
- By: Ken Textor
Mr. Morse’s Window
Portland’s priciest skylight. Location: Portland, Maine
Santa’s Maine List
Who gets coal and who gets candy this year. List of who is naughty and nice in Maine. Location: Portland
Washington Returns
The battered painting of George Washington that had been stored in the Maine State Museum for years will reside in the State House Rotunda early next year after restoration is complete. Painted by Thomas Spear in 1836, it was loaned to Maine shortly thereafter.
Loss of a Legend
Shawn Walsh leaves UMaine.
Name Game
It’s a Maine lobster even in Maryland. Selling lobsters caught off the coast of Maryland and selling them at Maryland restaurants as “Maine” lobsters. Location: Ocean City Maryland
October “Where in Maine?
Location: Rangeley, Stratton
- By: George Rugen
Lewis Hine’s Legacy
Identifies photo showing young Maine sardine cartoners. Photo taken by Lewis Hine in 1911 in Eastport at Seacoast Canning Co. Number 7. Location: Eastport, Maine
- By: Jane E. Radcliffe
Bowdoin’s Benefactor
Follow-up on article on Bowdoin’s classical art collections with more details on Ned Warren and his family. Location: Brunswick, Maine
- By: Weld Henshaw
Maine for Kids
Children’s books reviewed: “The Story of the Sea Glass” by Anne Wescott Dodd, “Rosebud and Red Flannel” by Ethel Pochocki, “Lighthouse Lullaby by Kelly Paul Briggs, “Winter Waits” by Lynn Plourde, “L is for Lobster” by Cynthia Furlong Reynolds, “Simon and Molly Plus Hester” by Lisa Jahn-Clough.
- By: Amy MacDonald
Briefly Noted
Books reviewed: Maine: “An Explorer’s Guide by Christina Tree”, “Moose by Art Rodgers”, and “The Owner-Built Log House: Living in Harmony with Your Environment
- By: Paul Doiron
Lottery Lunacy
Ellsworth American: Mainers with lowest incomes spend the most on the Maine lottery. Washington County households have lowest median income, but spend an average of $198.39 per capita per year on the lottery. Mainers spend about $150 million annually on games served up by the Maine State Lottery. Location: Ellsworth
Measure of a Mainer
Waldo Independent: Where one’s ancestors were born doesn’t qualify or disqualify one from being on the city council. Location: Belfast, Maine
Glazed Gifts
Edgecomb Potters has become known for their uniquely functional designs and distinctive glazes. Location: Edgecomb
- By: Andrew Vietze
Old House 101
Maine Preservation sponsored a series of workshops for owners of historic homes.
- By: Andrew Vietze
Stimulating Figures
A new study suggests a North Woods park would be an economic boon. Could it be true? Location: North Woods, Maine
Alone in the Snow
Despite the blizzard, I had to get my son’s special formula.
- By: Philmore Wass
Jonathan’s, Blue Hill
Jonathan’s chef Richard Hanson turned to antique cookbooks to develop a menu of old traditional New England dishes. Image subjects: Chef Richard Hanson at Johathan’s Location: Blue Hill
- By: Brooke Dojny
- Photography by: Richard Procopio
Discovering Ellsworth
Not many people think to do their Christmas shopping in this gateway town, but those who do find a rich holiday experience. Image subjects: Interior of antique shop Location: Ellsworth
- By: Alicia Anstead
- Photography by: Greg Morley
Seasonal Shows
Christmas calendar of events for 2001
Penobscot Bay Holiday
A summer favorite, Camden becomes a holiday hotspot each December. Image subjects: End of Harbor Location: Camden
- By: Virginia Wright
- Photography by: Richard Procopio
Holiday Dining
Ten restaurants Down East visited this year are dependable fine places to dine after a day of shopping.
Festive Freeport
Famous for its outlets, the home of L.L. Bean also boasts a wealth of Maine-made gifts. Image subjects: women looking in a shop window Location: Freeport
- By: Meadow Rue Merrill
- Photography by: Sara Gray
Rollicking Rock City
The scrappy city of Rockland has enjoyed a recent renaissance-and makes for a great holiday destination. Location: Rockland
- By: Virginia Wright
Christmas in the Kennebunks
The venerable villages of Kennebunk and Kennebunkport provide a pretty backdrop for holiday shopping. Image subjects: street scene Location: Kennebunkport, Kennebunk
- By: Virginia L. Woodwell
- Photography by: Sara Gray
A Victorian Holiday
The old streets of Portland are the place to be this holiday season. Image subjects: store front in Portland Location: Portland
- By: Michaela Cavallaro
- Photography by: Sara Gray
Yuletide in Yarmouth
The tiny town south of Freeport has a surprising array of shops. Location: Yarmouth
- By: Meadow Rue Merrill