Down East August 1981

August 1981

The table of contents from the August 1981 issue of Down East.


Jamming the Wind for Fun and (Little) Profit

Owning and skippering one of the fabled windjammers is a rich way of life, but hardly a way to get rich. By Peter Spectre.


Time was when horse-trading was nearly an art in Maine. By K.W. Carter.

Ocean Park Celebrates a Birthday

A unique coastal resort community marks its centennial. By Mimi E.B. Steadman.

Woods, Water, and Wilds

Exploring the 65,000-acre state park system. By Jay Sperling.

Going, Going, Gone!

Maine’s summer auctions offer old-time excitement. Photographs by Kip Brundage.

One Man’s Maine

A color portfolio by the state’s best-known photographer. Photographs by Tom Jones.

Eugene O’Neill’s Fateful Maine Interlude

A summer spent at Belgrade Lakes changed his life. By David E. Philips.

Behind Mr. Longfellow’s House

The Maine Historical Society is a little-known treasure. By William David Barry.


Room With A View

I am afraid that Maine drivers are becoming like Massachusetts drivers, who consider the observance of any motor-vehicle law as an indication of cowardice and moral weakness. By Caskie Stinnett.

Traveling Down East

Eagle Island Admiral Peary’s ‘Promised Land’

North by East

Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.

Outdoor Maine

Ospreys are Predators to be Reckoned With

Down East Bookshelf

Stories Told in the Kitchen by Kendall Morse

I Remember

An Encounter at Burying Island

Cover: “No. 2 Buoy” (20″ x 24″), oil on canvas board by Richard Pulliam, a longtime resident of Islesboro. Mr. Pulliam’s graphically bold and colorful works are exhibited by the Massachusetts House Gallery, Lincolnville.