Down East August 1976

August 1976

The table of contents from the August 1976 issue of Down East.


Island Birdwatching

By George Harrison.

Wiscasset’s Musical Wonder House

By Gloria Hutchinson.

Captain Peleg Young — Master of the Seven Seas

By Wilson G. Smith.

Reflections on Big Fish Lake

By Horace P. Hobbs, Jr.

The Other Side of Hollis Wyman — Maine’s Blueberry King

By Charles Zurhorst.

76 Maine Artists

Promises on the Half Shell

By Dava Sobel.

Celia Thaxter’s Island World

By Marie Donahue.

Summer Memories

A portfolio of color photographs.

The Fort That Wouldn’t Stay Built

By Robert E. Dunbar.


Room With A View

By Richard P. Mallett.

Calendar of Summer Events

Vacation Guide

Letters to the Editor

North by East

The Down East Enterprise

Down East Bookshelf

I Remember

By Heywood Hinds.

Outdoor Maine

By Gene Letourneau.


By Doc Rockwell.

Cover: “Whitehead Passage” (28″ x 19″), a watercolor by Claude Montgomery of Georgetown, portrait painter and landscape artist. Mr. Montgomery has a sales gallery in Wiscasset.