Love ’em or hate ’em, floating resorts are bringing boatloads of day-trippers to your favorite Maine towns.
In The Lighthouse, a cinema auteur pits two grim keepers in a battle of wills on a harsh, uncanny Maine island.
"I remember the first time I visited the 2,200-acre woodlot for sale in my town. It was in 2014, and Pam Johnson and I drove in to take a look."
Each month, Down East magazine editors select our favorite response to “Where in Maine?” Here is our favorite letter from August’s photo of Witherle Woods.
In The Shape of Night, bestselling Camden suspense novelist Tess Gerritsen dabbles in the spectral.
On Portland’s flourishing bar scene, there’s a happy hour for everyone.
An autumn ramble through western Maine's backwoods and back roads.
Hard cider is part of Maine’s heritage, and a new Belfast bar is betting on its renewed a-peel.
The American Idol judge and songwriter loves a quiet stretch of coastal York.
Maine’s highest-credentialed beer nerd and foremost wine enthusiast aren’t so different after all.