Each month, Down East editors select our favorite response to “Where in Maine?” Here is our favorite letter from May's photo of Rumford.
The Digital Maine archive of Maine Fish and Wildlife mag, The opening of photographer Ashlyn J. Posiak’s documentary exhibit, and more.
These days, he’s making smoked meats and cheeses in Unity’s Amish community, which he, his wife, and kids joined a few years ago.
Liza Gardner Walsh uses a little magic to spark children’s imagination and love for the outdoors.
Peter Beerits, the artist behind the Nervous Nellie’s Jams & Jellies fantasyland, on building a bird.
Amy Teh and Noah DeFilippis, the team behind Portland’s Pinecone+Chickadee clothing and accessories brand, take adorableness up a notch with their playful silkscreened onesies in soft, organic cotton.
Up North, in the true canoe country, early May is to canoe-tripping what Thanksgiving to Christmas is to retailing. The whole year quickens toward those two weeks.
Teapots are among pottery’s most challenging forms, which is why only a few of Maine’s many potters include them in their repertoires.
When we launched last year’s inaugural Great Maine Scavenger Hunt, we weren’t sure anyone would even be ambitious/crazy enough to attempt it. We underestimated you.