The scrappy eco-insulation startup TimberHP is taking a big swing by bringing Madison's shuttered paper mill back online. Can a novel pulp product sow the seeds of a homegrown green-manufacturing success story?
Lobster beers to lobster cocktails, raw milk to milkshakes. Who's ready for a Moxie bomb?
Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine
Exploring the 100 Mile Wilderness, the scrappy eco-insulation startup bringing Madison’s shuttered paper mill back online, and more!
Autumn in Acadia National Park is a time of transitions, vivid contrasts, and quiet beauty. Plus, the little city of Eastport tried for years to lure mega cruise ships to its docks. Then, amid a global pandemic, it got one, along with the ship’s skeleton crew of coronavirus exiles.
Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.