Where in Maine?
May 2019
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Photograph by Benjamin Williamson
Each month, Down East editors select our favorite response to “Where in Maine?” Here is our favorite letter from May’s photo of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
[cs_drop_cap letter=”T” color=”#000000″ size=”5em” ]he Where in Maine photo in May is the interior of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, in Newcastle. The photographer is standing near the font, where I was baptized in 1951, and is looking toward the altar rail, where my wife and I were married in 1973. We both currently sing in the choir, in the choir pews facing the center, next to the organ, which is in the back right.
The other Henry Vaughan church in Maine is St. James’ Episcopal Church, in Old Town, where we worshipped for 35 years. It is similar in style, but it has a simple, beautiful blue ceiling. I guess Henry was tired from all the detailed stenciling at St. Andrew’s. His architectural masterpiece is the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., which is worth a visit. Please note in this picture the plaque commemorating [U.S. Secretary of Labor] Frances Perkins, the author of Social Security under President Franklin Roosevelt.
— Daniel Belknap, Damariscotta, Maine