Down East September 1994

September 1994

The table of contents from the September 1994 issue of Down East.


So You Want to Own a B&B?

It’s a tempting dream, but there are a few things you should know before taking the plunge. By Jeff Clark.

Make Way for the Piping Plover

Maine is the first place in the nation where this  finicky little beach bum is making a comeback. By Paul Karr.

Unhappy Queen

The regal City of Rockland was beset by calamity almost from the first day she steamed into Maine waters. By James P. Brown.

Can Montpelier Be Saved?

If the state, with all its budget shortfalls, can’t afford to maintain General Knox’s once proud mansion, who can? By Ellen MacDonald Ward.

Island Shepherdess

Molly Nelson will tell you that herding wild sheep on a deserted isle is not a romantic calling. Photographs by Tonee Harbert.

Gilded Summers

As a new book explains, impressionist Frank Benson captured a halcyon moment just after the turn of the century — and a tranquillity that still prevails. By Carl Little.

Inside Blue Hill

Whether they’re descendants of the  first settlers or transplants from away, the people in this quiet Down East town all have good reason for being here. By Sarah Goodyear.

No Boss

Digging for sandworms is one tough  job, but most longtime wormers will tell you they are in it as much for the independence as the money. By Ken Textor.

Crossing at Dickey

Adjusting to the ups and downs of the St. John River has always been a way of life for the people of Dickey, as a vintage photograph suggests.

Trips Down East

A special 56-page supplement devoted to the joys of Maine in autumn.


Room With a View

I see nothing in nature that regards killing as fun or recreation, and it is my devout belief that natural laws are the ones that we cannot break except to our sorrow. By Caskie Stinnett.

The Talk of Portland

Train Buff

The Maine Viewpoint

Mitchell’s Legacy

Down East Bookshelf

Temple by George Dennison

Along the Waterfront

Hauling Out

Dining Down East

George’s, Bar Harbor

North by East

Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.

I Remember

Aquaplaning on Sebago

Cover: Innkeepers Peter and Donny Smith and Diana Robson welcome prospective guests to the Maine Stay  in Camden. Photograph by Brian Vanden Brink.