Brilliant Maine-Made Lighting for Your Home

Not to throw shade, but when it comes to artful, finely crafted lighting, big brands have nothing on Maine makers. For proof, we present a constellation of designs in materials and shapes to suit every taste.

Maine-made lighting
By Sarah Stebbins
Photo by Mark Fleming
From the Summer 2021 issue of Maine Homes by Down East

1. Hand-blown glass Dome pendants by Dresden’s Terrill Waldman and Charlie Jenkins are a bright idea above a kitchen island. $380.

2. Krystal Purdell and Keith Ziobron craft their fixtures, available in a rainbow of shades, in an 1899 former railroad station in Jay.  Adjustable swing-arm sconce, $175. 

3. Alice Crobbe’s home country of Scotland and home base in Falmouth inspire her nautical- and nature-themed linen lampshades. From $45.

4. Lowell designer Ashley Brochu believes in feathering a nest with boldly patterned rugs, wallpaper, and her handmade lampshades. From $75

5. Set a serene mood with Falmouth artist Lisa Ferreira Joneses’ petite table lantern, comprised of a handmade-paper shade atop a curly maple base. $160. 

6. For her new Light Drop, former furniture designer Julie Morringello, of Stonington, gave sculptural maple veneer a (digitally printed) swirl. From $600.

August 2024 cover of Down East Magazine

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