By Sarah Stebbins
From the Spring 2023 issue of Maine Homes by Down East

1. For Cape Elizabeth gardeners with a playful style, Nate Deyesso, of Saco’s DSO Creative Fabrication, popped aluminum gates with sinuous leaf motifs into stone walls. Rendered in royal blue, like the seaside backdrop, the metalwork “showcases their personalities,” he says.

2. The scrambled geometry of broken glass inspired the walnut-veneer door Biddeford woodworker Gabriel Keith Sutton crafted for a couple looking to add a wow factor to their mid-century New Hampshire home. Six coats of natural oil finish protect the wood, which will mellow to a maple shade over time, Sutton says.

3. “We aim to create something like an amphora that has been lost on the Mediterranean floor for hundreds of years,” says Dan Farrenkopf, cofounder of Sullivan’s Lunaform. “It’s an old look,” comprising, in the case of a pot made to match faux-bois patio chairs in Hancock, layers of concrete, bronze metallic paint, and paste wax.

4. To complement a terraced New Hampshire plot (courtesy of Denmark’s C.M. Nichols Landscape Co.), Nicholas Cote, of Pownal’s Bradbury Mountain Metalworks, sunk a series of curving powder-coated-steel railings with “lamb’s tongue” flourishes into granite steps.