For a lot of reasons, it turns out.
Land, Water & Wildlife
Down east fishermen once hauled in drums full of "slime eels" by the thousands. Might they someday again?
More than 30 years later, the biologist who spearheaded the effort reflects on the challenges — and what might have been.
Should protections afforded to U.S. waters by the Clean Water Act extend to wetlands?
Data collected by the citizen-science project indicates that about one of every three frogs, toads, and salamanders crossing a road gets run over.
Though parts of Maine may feel increasingly crowded today, the shadow of loss still haunts our islands, woodlands, and memories.
Maine’s working waterfronts are a national treasure — and an economic lifeline to the rest of New England and the world.
Heather McCargo and the Wild Seed Project want us all to think differently about what we plant (and yeah, to think about it in the winter).
After a wild year, Aroostook musher Jonathan Nathaniel Hayes, champion of a canine hero and a Maine heritage breed, looks ahead to another ambitious challenge.
In a northern mixed-wood forest, each tree species finds its most favorable micro-topography to thrive.
Trail Champions, the Campaign for the Maine Trail Center, will create a permanent home for the Maine Appalachian Trail Club.
The Maine coast has always been at the center of a vortex of fog during the summer, but not this year.