On a quest to sniff a downy baby seabird on a far-flung island colony, Kimberly Ridley catches a whiff of uncertainty.
Land, Water & Wildlife
Plus, download Maine Coast Heritage Trust's take-along tide-pooling guide.
In nature, not all flowers are created equal.
As alewives return to their historical migration routes, their restored runs are captivating photographers and other wildlife watchers.
The yak imprinted on his owners after they bottle-fed him to keep him alive.
From drug development to medical research, the mice at Jackson Laboratory are advancing science and potentially saving lives.
A flock of researchers is analyzing data from two statewide surveys.
Although extirpated from Maine by the 1890s, wolf DNA survives in the state’s thriving coyote population.
The anniversary of the renowned conservation effort finds Maine’s reestablished puffin colonies at a turning point.
We asked him a few questions about his favorite photography subject.
Increasingly accessible tech has allowed outdoors photographers to turn trail cams into an art form.
The Science Dogs of New England are helping researchers turn up elusive, endangered wood turtles.