Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon Cat
[dropcap letter=”M”]aine’s official state cat is also the second most popular domestic breed in the United States. Its defining characteristics include a shaggy coat that’s shorter over the head and shoulders and longer toward the tail, fur between the toes, significantly pointed ears, large eyes, and a long rectangular-shaped body.

Readers shared some photos of their fluffy friends.
We adore Maine Coons. Brother & sister…Beanie and Bailey. We lost Beanie this past spring & are still devastated. — Judith Bistrek Christine

Maine Coon Cat
Miss Lucy was rescued as a kitten but she definitely has some Coon and Norwegian Forest in her genes. And she is a sniffer! — Laura Lutz

[infobox maintitle=”” subtitle=”The tufts of hair between the Maine Coon’s “snowshoe” paws help the cat walk on top of snow. A heavy water-resistant coat and long bushy tail, which can be wrapped around the body for warmth, also make the animals well equipped to survive harsh winters. ” bg=”black” color=”white” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]
Maine Coon Cat
“Doofus Beanie” — Judith Bistrek Christine

Maine Coon Cat
We believe this guy is part Maine Coon. — Donna Engborg

[infobox maintitle=”” subtitle=”Known as “gentle giants,” Maine Coons are among the largest and longest domestic cat breeds, with adult males weighing 13-18 pounds and females weighing 9-13. But their maturation happens slowly, lasting anywhere from three to five years.” bg=”black” color=”white” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]
Maine Coon Cats
My three babies are in the Downeast Maine Coon book you published. — Kimberly Lockie

Maine Coon Cat
My Maine Coon Eliot, we named him after Eliot Maine. Maine Coons are Awesome Cat’s! He is 20 pounds of pure enjoyment! — Scott E. Lent

[infobox maintitle=”” subtitle=”Legend has it that in 1789, Queen Marie Antoinette planned to flee France in a ship bound for Wiscasset. She never made it aboard, but her six Persian and Angora cats reportedly did, leading to speculation that they propagated today’s Maine Coon. ” bg=”black” color=”white” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”]
Maine Coon Cat
This is my beautiful clown of a Maine Coon, Spinney, all 19 pounds of him. — Martha Hayes Crannell

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