Cool Girl Collective sets itself apart by giving consignors more control over inventory and a bigger share of the profits.
He's a practitioner of the Japanese art of gyotaku, in which a fish acts as the printing plate.
The midcoast artist's Drift Rope Project is an homage to the working waterfront.
In Paris, Team U.S.A. will sport lace-up dress shoes and patriotic belts from Maine.
For the facial-care gurus behind these balms and butters, a commitment to Maine-sourced ingredients is more than skin deep.
Blueprint Surf is making waves with boards designed for New England waters.
Jeremy Frey is the subject of the first-ever major retrospective of a Wabanaki artist. Amid the hype, he’s still able to lose himself in the steady rhythm of weaving in his home studio, where he’s forever cognizant of tribal basketmakers’ challenging history and tenuous future.
Her company name, Muh.Kaa.Bruh, nods to the grim perception many folks have of her art.
After a painstaking restoration, the Hindu is about to hit the water again as it sails toward its second century.
Maine: A Love Story comprises 32 essays illustrated with her woodcut prints.
Well shucks, when it comes to seashell products, we’re hard-pressed to pick a favorite.
The Winterport tinkerer has rehabbed some 7,000 mechanical timekeepers.