After a tragedy, a benevolent designer helps a family build anew.
First up: how to scrape fossilized spitballs from a 135-year-old tin ceiling.
The swashbuckling interloper inspired the name and nautical-chic vibe.
And, no, she doesn't want to "take in a boarder."
Writer Samara Cole Doyon shares art and inspiration from her pandemic workspace.
In Woodfords Corner and Munjoy Hill — but not without some controversy.
Brick & Mortar is chockablock with eclectic art, accessories, kitchenware, furniture — and violins.
Old-world vibes infuse a couple's hands-on renovation, pulled off at the height of the pandemic.
Our appraiser friends tackle a new batch of Maine-sourced artifacts in our recurring tribute to a certain PBS series.
An 18th-century Cape Elizabeth farmhouse is the ultimate artistic collaboration for a creative, can-do family.
Pre-renovation, the architectural hodgepodge of a house had an outdoor staircase so rickety, even Huggy the corgi wouldn’t chance it.