Maine News You May Have Missed

Maine issues its first-ever unicorn permit, the Steller’s sea eagle returns to Vacationland, and more.


A solitary Steller’s sea eagle made an appearance on the Maine coast for the second winter in a row. One of only about 4,000 of its species, its native range is in eastern Asia.


Betty and Higgins, two rescue dogs from the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland, paw-ticipated in the 19th-annual Puppy Bowl, aired on Animal Planet before the Super Bowl to promote pet adoption.


Maine’s animal-protection laws were, for the third year in a row, deemed best in the country by the nonprofit Animal Legal Defense Fund, which noted Maine’s program allowing court-appointed lawyers to advocate for animals’ interests in abuse cases.


The town select board issued its first-ever permit for a resident to keep a unicorn. The applicant, Brielle Hamor, was five years old.

Cape Elizabeth 

Police returned a young gray seal from a roadside to the ocean. Then from someone’s yard. Then from Fort Williams Park. The fourth time the seal wandered ashore, Marine Mammals of Maine collected it for evaluation and rehab.


Vince, a house cat that got out in 2020 and didn’t come home for two years, escaped again. This time, he only waited four months to make his return.