In her latest Room With a View column, Susan Hand Shetterly writes about reconnecting, keeping busy, and tamping down fears during the pandemic.
The great poem “The Waste Land,” by T.S. Eliot, begins with these lines: “April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire …”
"One of my favorite sights begins as a line of dark shapes in the woods moving towards the clearing."
"In 1952, Charlotte’s Web came into the world, and it’s been with us ever since."
"I remember the first time I visited the 2,200-acre woodlot for sale in my town. It was in 2014, and Pam Johnson and I drove in to take a look."
"In these days of such stillness, chaos, and grief, we’ve got time to figure out what needs to heal and how we might help that happen."
When I moved to Prospect Harbor with my family in the 1970s, I learned about its northern water, working harbor, and ...
Can you put a tree like this back together? Can you make a half tree out of a whole one?
"In this strange new heat come new species, and some of the life we know slips away."
Joe Polis believed in learning how to negotiate the ways of the dominant culture without losing one’s own.